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Board of Executives


Skyler Jefferson, Founder & CEO

Skyler Jefferson is the sole founder and acting CEO of Legalize Cow Punching. He created the organization, which evolved into our company as you see it today, for one mission: To give all Americans the right to punch cows, as they truly deserve! 


Aros Rose, Chief Operating Officer

Aros Rose is the second in command of Legalize Cow Punching. A young, quick witted, highly talented woman with a fierce passion for justice and punching cows.



Nox, Office Therapist

She's a cat. A black cat. As some would say, a void kitty. She meows. And meows. And kills things. And plays. And meows. Got problems? Tell her. She'll meow.



Look, Gary is kinda just.. There. He doesn't have an official executive title. Not even Skyler knows what he does at the office. He's Gary. He's there. He's an executive. And we all simultaneously love and fear Gary.




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