I, Skyler Amadeus Jefferson, formally denounce the actions of Hamas leading to the current war between Israel and Palestine and mourn the deaths of those who have been lost.
Over 1,200 innocent lives were taken by these actions. While I realize choosing one side or another could be seen as political, I want politics to be set aside here. The facts are clear cut; Hamas' actions killed 1,200 innocents and severely harmed countless others physically, mentally, and emotionally, and have destroyed the lives of countless civilians.
As a man of the Jewish faith, with part of my very blood being of Israel, I am absolutely devastated. Israelis aren't the only ones that have died. Visitors to such a holy ground of all different faiths, walks of life, and nations, also perished in this vile attack. At least 11 Americans were killed, and that number may grow.
Im Tirtzu, Ein zo Agadah.
